Here at American Adjustment bureau, we offer flexible, Self-Pay, Co-Pay, and Deductible Services designed specifically for your needs to increase your cash flow and foster patient goodwill.

How it Works:

We will bill your Self-Pay, Co-Pay and Deductible from Day One, and conduct a timely and proactive follow-up to ensure that the accounts are resolved and converted into an operational cash flow.

All of your billings and follow-up will be conducted professionally, as we are working as a representative of your facility. We strive to provide our patients with the utmost respect and dignity to ensure a healthy Patient/Hospital relationship.

With our expertise, low costs and commitment to our customers, our goal is to increase your cash-flow and relieve your staff of bad debt-write offs.

Let us provide you with our expertise and commitment to customer care!

Our contact information is listed below:


Toll free:
1-866-THEY-PAY (866-843-9729)